Friday, June 4, 2010

3 weeks

I can't believe I am getting married in three weeks! I always thought that I would get married younger, but never at 20! I guess life is full of surprises :) and I cant wait for what lies ahead! J is once again at Drill for the weekend and I get to spend another weekend in the library by least I am getting a lot of studying done! I only have a week and half of school left and then I get to head back to Sacramento and play with family and get married! The wedding is slowly coming together, we finally ordered a tux and found something for the groomsmen to wear haha its been an adventure. J sure does love to make sure everything matches! Dont worry, he claims hes not gay :) haha just kidding love! I have loved that he has been so willing to help me make plans and pick things out. I have made him sit through hours of talking about plates and silverware and pillows haha. This week has been a lot of fun. We played tennis, went on picnics, had dinner with Chelsea, went to ice cream, played games and planned a wedding! And ate lots of cupcakes of course, seriously I could tell you every flavor, what its made out of and if its good or not. J and I are pros, they should probably think about hiring us. Oh and did I mention that we planned our honeymoon! Im real excited about it, we are going to the Caribbean! Grand Cayman, Honduras, Belieze, and Cozumel to be exact. And I cant even wait to go swimming with dolphins!! Well I should probably get back to studying! 


  1. What a good fiance you have, helping you with the wedding details! Good luck in the next couple of weeks, I'm so excited for you. I can't believe you're getting married so young either. I just turned 21 when I got married, its not that bad! YOu're a mature gal! thats what really matters. And have fun in the Caribbean. we really want to go on a cruise while we're living out here in FL.

  2. Congratulations on your new baby Heather!! She is so beautiful!

  3. oh boyy you guys sound like you're having soo much fun. thanks for keeping up on the cupcake research, can't wait to hear what the good ones are when i get back.
